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What is Coaching?

Nature and Nurture of Coaches

Game Centred Approaches to Sport

Performance Analysis - Why is it valuable?

This presentation focuses on the critical factors that make Performance Analysis such a crucial component of how teams prepare and coach their players. I will also have a look at what the research tells us about Gaelic and Hurling in 2020 and then take a deep dive into some games from last season to see what the analysis told us.

Becoming a Better Coach

Successful coaching requires deep knowledge both of effective coaching strategies and the principles that underpin them. That knowledge is then used to create a system for long-term coaching success. No secrets, no short-cuts, no magic formulas – just time-tested strategies grounded in enduring principles of quality coaching.

Empowering your Players: Lessons learned from top managers

Coaching the Female Player.

This webinar is based on the practical experience of Orlaith and Cliodhna along with current coaching research. The opening section will be an honest discussion of the perceived and real differences between coaching males and females; suggestions where these differences come from and how they can be misinterpreted by coaches. The second half of the presentation explores some real life interventions used by the coaches in order to improve team culture, the "coachability" of the players and the creation of a positive and ambitious training environment.

The Match-Play Demands of Hurling: 3 years in the making

The Coach: Principal or Principled?

Transitioning from Defence to Attack

Your team has won possession of the ball in defence, your goal is to get the ball moving quickly towards the opponents goal as quickly as possible before the other team has done its job of marking or closing down your options. In transition, your players also need to react quickly, perceive where the spaces and opponents movement are, anticipate plays and make the runs and passes quickly: The objectives of the training webinar is to offer coaches practical concepts on how to train transition:
