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Course details


The Camogie Association and Sport Ireland Coaching have collaborated on a project to support the coaches of teenage girls. Specifically aimed at developing coaching practices to meet the needs teenage girls. On completion of the workshop, learners will be able to: 1. Identify the key reasons why girls engage in physical activity and sport and why they drop out. 2. Gain an understanding of the relationship between physical activity participation and mental health for adolescent girls. 3. Understand the importance of communication (coach to player and player to player) in retaining girls in Camogie 4. Raise awareness around the effects maturation and puberty can have on females. 5. Identify the role of actual competence, perceived competence, and confidence for engaging girls in Camogie and physical activity. 6. Examine coaching practices and communication styles that foster autonomy, confidence, and belonging in girls across Camogie. 7. Design environments that cater for relationships, connectedness, and competition.
Monday, 9th December, 2024

Course Duration:

3 hours
Coaching Teenage Girls Course (Online) - The Camogie Association - Monday 9th December 2024. (6.30pm-9.30pm) Note: Enrolment places are non-refundable and non-transferable.