High Catch-Fun Game
Football – Fun Routine
This is a Fun game to develop the High Catch technique.
- Mark out a grid approximately 30m x 20m
- Divide the players into two equal teams of 5 to 10 players
- Each player begins with 3 lives and is given a number or alternatively their names may be used.
- The player in possession kicks, fists or throws the ball up in the air and shouts a number or name.
- The player called has to catch the ball overhead while the other players scatter in all directions.
- On catching the ball the player shouts ‘Freeze’ and all the other players must stand still.
- From a stationary position the catcher must attempt to hit another player with the ball by fist passing the ball at them
- If the player is hit that player loses a ‘life’
- If the player is missed or if the target player catches the ball the catcher loses a life
- The player who loses a life re-starts the game
- The game continues until one player has lost 3 lives.