Hurley & Beanball Relay
Hurling – Ball Sense
This Ball Sense Activity is designed to develop children’s carrying and striking skills, develop problem solving and decision making strategies, and movement skills relevant to games
- The children line up in teams of three behind one another along the length of yard/hall facing the cones, 3-5m away
- On a signal from the teacher, the first child from each team runs to the cone
- and back, carrying a beanball on the hurley
- The second child then does the same
- The teams must sit down/or crouch down when finished
Teaching Points
- With the ‘hurley hand’, each child grips hurley, pressing the thumb on the handle
- Point the hurley forward and the ‘toe’ of the hurley facing
- away from the body to the dominant side.
- Keep the bas of the hurley flat
- Place the beanball on the ‘bas’ of the hurley, keeping eyes on it
- Encourage children to use the non-dominant hand to transfer possession of beanball to teammate