Hurley- Wiggle Waggle
Hurling – Ball Sense
This Ball Sense Activity is designed to develop children’s carrying and striking skills
- Make a lane using markers
- Place 3 small hurleys/wooden bats (max. 16 inches in length) on the ground by the first marker
- Line children up in groups of approx. 3 behind the first marker
- Each activity is conducted in a lane
a) Run and Waggle Hurley
- On the whistle, the first child in eachline will walk to the end of the lane,waggling the hurley up and down
b) Run and Waggle Hurley
- On the whistle, the first child in each line will walk to the end of the lane, carrying the beanbag on the bas
- Progress to repeat above while jogging
Teaching Points
- With the ‘hurley hand’, each child grips hurley, pressing the thumb on the handle
- Point the hurley forward and the ‘toe’ of the hurley facing away from the body to the dominant side
- Waggle the hurley up and down with the wrist, keeping the arm straight - call this the ‘waggle grip’
- Keep the bas of the hurley flat