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RJT's - Run and Turn

Handball – Fun Routine
  • Technical Proficiency icon
  • Tactical Prowess icon
  • Team Play icon


  • Place cones at varying distances in a straight line
  • Sprint out and around each multimarker before turning and running back to starting marker

Key Points

  • Start in correct stance position, i.e. knees and back slightly bent,left foot and right arm out in front, head down
  • Use short strides when turning and longer strides when running in a straight line
  • Swing arms to build speed
  • Use your front foot as a brake to stop by driving it hard into the floor in front of you
  • Lower your hips as you stop to aid balance
  • Stop quickly in a ‘strong’ position by bending your arms at the elbows
  • When stopping with your right foot forward, your left arm should be forward and vice versa

STEP Variation

Equipment - Add hurdles or ladders