WADA, The International Testing Agency and Sport Ireland have issued the following updates with regard to the 2025 Prohibited List (more info via the following ITA webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfZwVccFdFA and here - https://www.sportireland.ie/anti-doping/athlete-zone/athlete-zone/2023-Prohibited-List ) :
- Cat. S0 (Non-Approved Substances) - S-107 & S48168 (ARM210) - Examples of Ryanodine Receptor-1-calstabin complex stabilisers. These have been in development by pharmaceutical companies for potential future treatment of muscle-related conditions. Prohibited at all times.
- Cat. S3 (Beta-2 Agonists) - Formoterol - Prohibited to use more than 36 mg in any 12 hour period and maximum use of 54 mg in any 24 hour period (as before). TUE needed if athletes need higher doses for medical treatment.
- Cat. S4 (Hormone & Metabolic Modulators) - MOTS-c - Peptide still at research phase. Targets skeletal muscle and can enhance glucose metabolism - & S519 + S597 - Peptides and examples of "insulin mimetics" - all prohibited at all times.
- Cat. S4 (Hormone & Metabolic Modulators) - Elacestrant- Medication used for treatment of breast cancer - TUE required if treatment is used.
- Cat. S5 (Diuretics & Masking Agents) - Xipamide - Promotes water loss from the body, prohibited at all times.
- Cat S6 (Stimulants) - Hydrafinil (fluorenal) - Prohibited In-Competition.
- Cat S6 (Stimulants) - Midodrine - Prohibited In-Competition.
- Cat S6 (Stimulants) - Tesofensine - Prohibited In-Competition.
- Reminder - Tramadol prohibited since January 2024 - can only be used if TUE successfully applied for.
- KNOW what medicines/supplements you are taking, CHECK that they are not prohibited, and ASK your doctor, pharmacists or National Anti-Doping Officer (eoghan.tuohey@gaa.ie) if you're not sure.
2025 Key Anti-Doping Updates
Sport Ireland & WADA have issued the following advisory notes in relation to changes for 2024:
- Tramadol Update for 2024 - The narcotic, "Tramadol" is prohibited in competition, effective January 1st, 2024. Additional information on this can be found in the below 2024 Summary of Major Modifications & Explanations
- The Washout Period is confirmed as being 24 hours prior to the beginning of the in-competition period
- If Tramadol is used within 24 hours prior to the start of the in-competition period, athletes should be aware that there is a risk that their testing sample collected in-competition could return positive.
Please find below links to key 2024 WADA Documents -
- 2024 Tramadol Factsheet for Medics
- 2024 WADA Prohibited List
- 2024 WADA Summary of Major Modifications & Explanatory Notes
- 2024 WADA Monitoring Programme (this includes substances which are not on the Prohibited List, but that WADA wishes to monitor in order to detect patterns of misuse in sport)
Announcement (International Testing Authority) - Protocol on Ice Baths
- The cool-down is a reason to delay the reporting to the Doping Control Station and ice-baths are part of that process. Athletes are allowed to use total immersion ice-baths after being notified by doping control for the purposes of - Medical Reasons, Recovery, Cooling down after competing
- It is strongly recommended that athletes use a single ice bath, not shared by others. Chaperones are instructed to observe this process closely, including any colour changes in the water, which may indicate urination, which should be documented on the control form if suspected.
- The Chaperone will instruct the athlete to face them at all times whilst in the ice bath and instruct that no urine should be passed in the ice bath as the sample provided by the athlete at the sample collection session should be the first urine passed subsequent to notification. WADA are in agreement with the above protocol.
Sport Ireland have issued the following advisory notes in relation to changes for 2023:
Your attention is drawn to the new Sport Ireland medicine checker website below for 2023. This resource is where athletes can now check the status of all medication purchased in the 26 counties. A reminder that all athletes should check the status of all medicines before consumption.
Tramadol - 2024 Update
For Anti-Doping Videos on the following topics, please click on your destined number below:
(1) Anti-Doping E-Learning Course - Intro
(2) Anti-Doping - Principle of Strict Liability
(3) Anti-Doping - Anti-Doping Rules Violations
(4) Anti-Doping - Prohibited List / Banned Substances
(5) Anti-Doping - Medications, Prescriptions & TUEs
(6) Anti-Doping - Supplements
(7) Anti-Doping - Risk Minimisation (Supplements)
(8) Anti-Doping - Testing Procedures
(9) Anti-Doping - Summary
This course is for all Inter-county players of all Gaelic Games (GAA, Camogie & LGFA). You must first complete your profile and then complete the interactive video-based modules before getting access to download your own certificate.