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The Club Planning Programme offers a step-by-step approach to developing a strategic plan for GAA, LGFA, and Camogie Clubs.  It includes a Club Planning Guide, templates, and trained Facilitators to assist Clubs navigate the planning process.

The Planning Process

  • Clubs express their interest by submitting an Expression of Interest form
  • The Steering Group and Club Coordinator are appointed by the Club Executive
  • The Club Planning Facilitator has an introductory discussion with the Club Coordinator

  • The Steering Group creates a project plan to outline actions and responsibilities
  • The Steering Group assesses the Club's current performance by reviewing key documents and data
  • Key Focus Areas (KFAs) are identified based on the Club’s challenges and opportunities

  • The independently facilitated Club Planning Workshop is held to gather input from Club members and the community
  • The Steering Group considers feedback from the workshop focus groups and prioritises objectives
  • Further research can be conducted, such as surveys and meetings with experts, to identify solutions to issues

  • The Steering Group writes the strategic plan document
  • The plan should be reviewed multiple times and approved by the Club Executive
  • The document is launched and communicated

  • After the plan is launched, the Club Executive assumes responsibility for implementation
  • They establish procedures for implementation, review progress regularly, and communicate achievements

Sample Club Plans

If you need inspiration, check out these published Club Plans HERE

Getting Started

Clubs are advised to review the guidelines and consider developing a plan independently if they have the skills and experience within their membership. For a copy of the facilitation resources such as workshop slides and handouts, please email Jack McCarney (GAA Planning and Training Officer) at [email protected]

In addition, there are a limited number of trained facilitators available to assist Clubs. If interested, Clubs are encouraged to review the Expression of Interest Form and Contact their County Planning and Training Officer to discuss availability.  


The resources listed below on this page, last revised in March 2022, describe the process for developing a strategic plan for Clubs, highlighting the key steps involved and useful templates at each stage of the planning process.